Do you currently have any sort of journal practice? What does that look like for you?
Do you write? Do you draw? Do you doodle on envelopes or napkins?
I have been keeping journals and sketchbooks for years and find them very helpful. In a world with so much sensory information it can be extremely beneficial to go inward and reflect for at least a few moments a day. I have found that keeping a journal or a sketchbook with me has helped to calm my anxieties and let me feel more creative. When I get an idea I can jot it down for later or when I'm bored I have something to do with my hands. It's also fascinating to be able to look at journals from years ago.
A journal practice is 100% customizable and how yours looks is up to you. There is no right or wrong way to do this. If you are looking to start some sort of writing/journal/sketchbook practice, just go with whatever feels best. The point is to find something that helps YOU to feel creative and lit up. What it is matters not.
If you get stuck here are some things to keep in mind:
1. You can write as much or as little as you want but DON'T EDIT yourself.
There are probably plenty of other places in your life where you feel you need to fit into boxes. In your journal or sketchbook you can say and be whatever you want.
2. Do you enjoy writing, drawing, a combination of both?
What makes you feel better? Do you find yourself making tons of lists and brain dumping a bunch off words onto your pages? Or perhaps sketching and drawing? Or perhaps both? This is all about you so find the balance that works for you.
3. Start with a list of 5 things you're grateful for.
When you focus on the things that are already going well in your life you automatically feel better. Start with this simple practice to elevate the joy in your life.
4. A journal doesn't mind if you're angry.
Got some big emotions? Well don't let them rot inside of you. If you aren't able to get your emotions out through other means like movement and breathwork then try writing it out! Put whatever you need to say onto the page. It seems simple but this can have profound effects. After you're done you can always burn the pages if you wish.
5. Just because you write letters doesn't mean you need to send them.
It can be extremely therapeutic to write a letter to someone, knowing that you don't intend on saying the letter. You can get out what you need to say and let it go. This can be especially helpful if you are trying to forgive someone.
If you currently don't have any sort of practice like this and feel like it would be helpful, why not try out for a while? Take say, one lunar cycle and see how it goes? If you try it out I hope you enjoy the process.