Winter Soul Care - A Virtual Restoration Gathering

Join Brennah D’Layn live for a virtually guided, deeply relaxing evening hour of ceremony on Leap Day. 

February 29th, 7 - 8 pm

Can’t make it live? No worries, the replay will be available for you afterwards.

Practice gentle yoga and stillness and sit with a group of fellow women, all without having to leave your winter cave.

Join us for a relaxing self care ceremony from the comfort of your own home, held via zoom.

Set up a sacred space in your home that’s all your own.

Join this virtual ceremony to drop into gentle and restorative yoga, inward focus and guided meditation.

Finish the experience feeling more grounded, relaxed and ready to drift off into a pleasant night's sleep. 

Register your free space and enjoy your relaxation and meditation before bedtime.

The idea is for you to enjoy deeply nourishing rest after the practice and experience a reset in your winter season. 

Join us February 29th

from 7pm - 8pm!

This session will help you to:

  • Evade the mundane chaos for an enchanted evening

  • Find your way back to your higher self

  • Embrace your emotions

  • Meditate and relax your temple

  • Ensure a restful nights sleep

What to bring:

  • Anything to help ground your beautiful self

  • Your journal

  • Mat, Bolster, blanket(s), blocks

  • Cards, oils, flowers, incense, candles, etc. (if you wish)

Can’t make it live? No worries, the replay will be available for you afterwards.


Photo credits: Carli Jeen, Sixteen Miles Out, Conscious Design, Edz Norton.